Friday, January 23, 2009

Bone by Bone by Bone

Since the day David was born, his constant companion was a skeleton hanging near his crib. This may seem creepy to you but to David's Dad, it was the perfect way to have his young son start to learn all of the bones in the body. David was going to be a doctor or so his determined Dad decided. David's Dad will let nothing get in the way of this, especially not David's best friend, Malcolm a young African American boy. Imagine if your own father has told you that he will shoot your best friend if he takes one step into your house. Would you believe him? Could you still respect him? Love him? Experience what life was like for two young boys growing up in a small, racist Tennessee town in the fifties. This is a powerful book. Beware of the terrible language used by characters in this book. It is typical of the time and place but offensive to us all today.

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