Saturday, January 10, 2009

The Wednesday Wars by Gary Schmidt

"Love and hate in seventh grade are not far apart, let me tell you." Think 1967 and life is not what it is today. Holling Hoodhood is stuck alone every Wednesday afternoon with his teacher while the rest of the class attends either Catholic catechism or Hebrew school. Holling is convinced his teacher hates him and Mrs. Baker, if truth were told, isn't too pleased with his company. She tries tormenting him with cleaning chores but this approach solves nothing. Holling and Mrs. Baker are still stuck together every Wednesday. So she decides to make the most of their time together and assigns Holling to read the great works of Shakespeare. Holling is not happy as you can imagine. Well, what starts as a really awful assignment becomes, if not fun, at least handy. Holling learns to curse like Caliban in The Tempest, get a girlfriend like Romeo in Romeo and Juliet, and try out revenge like the King's sons in Hamlet. Add to all of this: bullies, bus crashes, two rats (the rodent kind), Mickey Mantle, Bobby Kennedy and a whole lot more.

"Toads, beetles, bats' check out this book from the library or may a "southwest blow on ye and blister you all o'er."

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